11 ADHD Supplements For Kids: Vitamins & Natural Medicines

11 ADHD Supplements For Kids: Vitamins & Natural Medicines

Kids tend to be full of energy and highly active, especially in their younger years. This is completely normal and, for the most part, nothing to worry about. After all, movement helps us learn, and children need energy to develop their brains. 

That being said, for some children, having trouble concentrating, increased restlessness and acting on impulse could also be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

It's estimated that there's a 5% incidence rate of ADHD in children in the UK, with 694,000 children diagnosed. Most cases are diagnosed in those under 12 years

But while ADHD has always existed, luckily, there's now much more awareness, meaning more information, more research and more ways to treat the condition, including delicious Novomins Gummies for kids.

Read on to discover what supplements are good for ADHD kids, including the 11 top ADHD supplements for kids:

  1. Magnesium
  2. Focus Gummies
  3. Multivitamins
  4. Sleep Gummies
  5. Melatonin
  6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  7. Zinc
  8. Vitamin D
  9. Inositol
  10. Ginkgo Biloba
  11. Iron

We’ll also find out more about why you might want to consider supplementation, what supplements are most effective, and other solutions for managing ADHD in kids.

How supplements can help manage ADHD symptoms in children

Doctors usually treat ADHD by prescribing medications alongside counselling or a referral to a child specialist.

However, while these medications can be an incredibly effective treatment option, they also come with potential unwanted side effects, leaving many parents feeling concerned and searching for gentler alternatives, like supplements.

Even though more research is still needed, findings indicate that deficiencies in specific vitamins, minerals and fats can actually be responsible for the development of ADHD. Therefore, supplements that correct these deficiencies can help ease symptoms in children who are not getting enough vitamins through their diet. 

Furthermore, supplements can alleviate sleep deprivation and circadian rhythm disturbances that are commonly associated with and may contribute towards ADHD.

What supplements are good for ADHD kids?

Supplement Key Features
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Calms the nervous system and alleviates anxiety
  • May improve cognitive functions
  • Deficiencies are linked to irritability and a shortened attention span
Focus Gummies
  • Ingredients may improve attention span and cognitive development
  • Look for natural ingredients and focus-boosting vitamins and minerals like magnesium, omega-3, zinc, iron and vitamin B12
Multivitamin Gummies
  • Usually contain common vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, C, D and iron
  • Vitamin B6 is crucial for brain development and neurotransmitter production
  • Vitamin C and iron also contribute to neurotransmitter production
  • Vitamin D is linked to cognitive function
Sleep Gummies
  • Supports a healthy sleep cycle and reduces fatigue
  • Usually contain ingredients like magnesium, vitamin B12, L-theanine and lavender extract
  • A hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle
  • Improves sleep onset and quality
  • Up to 60.8% effective in improving sleep problems in children with ADHD
  • Approved for treating insomnia in children and adolescents with ADHD in the UK
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • Essential for brain health and cognitive development
  • Linked to improved memory, focus and mental performance
  • Essential for neurotransmitter function
  • Early research suggests it may improve memory and learning
  • Improvement in children with ADHD after supplementation with zinc sulphate
Vitamin D
  • Higher levels are linked to improved cognitive function
  • Low levels are associated with worsened ADHD symptoms
  • Pregnant women with low levels are more likely to have children with ADHD
  • Children with ADHD are thought to naturally have lower levels of the vitamin
  • Has a calming effect on the brain
  • Limited research on ADHD but potential support for mood and mental health disorders
Ginkgo Biloba
  • Supports memory, brain health and focus
  • Shown to reduce ADHD symptoms in some studies
  • Well tolerated with low adverse effects
  • Essential for haemoglobin production and oxygen transport
  • Low iron levels linked to more severe ADHD symptoms


Magnesium is a must-have mineral responsible for many processes in the body. These include regulating blood sugar levels, regulating muscle function and promoting sleep by calming the nervous system and alleviating anxiety.

Research highlights that those with ADHD are more likely to have low serum magnesium levels.

Studies found that magnesium deficiencies can lead to irritability and a shortened attention span. They also found that children who took magnesium supplements showed an improvement in their cognitive functions.

In addition, popular ADHD medications like Adderall, which are supposed to help improve ADHD symptoms, can actually further deplete magnesium levels in the body.

That being said, more research is needed, and magnesium supplements may only help manage ADHD symptoms in children with a magnesium deficiency.

Novomins Kids Magnesium Gummies come in a delicious strawberry flavour that kids love and are doctor-formulated with a highly bioavailable form of magnesium to provide effective nervous system, sleep, mind and mood support.

Adults can also benefit from our max-strength Novomins Magnesium Gummies for enhanced psychological function.

Image of a bottle of Novomins Kids’ Magnesium Gummies.

Focus gummies

There is some evidence that focus gummies improve attention spans and cognitive development in those with ADHD. The effectiveness of these gummies depends on their formulation.

Look for focus gummies that contain natural ingredients and focus-boosting vitamins and minerals like magnesium, omega-3, zinc, iron and vitamin B12.

These ingredients are all recognised for boosting brain health and neurotransmitter activity, which can potentially improve your child’s ADHD symptoms and increase their attention span.

Multivitamin gummies

Multivitamin gummies are packed with common vitamins and minerals that can alleviate ADHD symptoms, like vitamins B6, C, D and iron.

Vitamin B deficiency is linked to irritability and fatigue, with vitamin B6 playing a crucial role in brain development by supporting the production of neurotransmitters for proper nervous system function.

Low vitamin levels, particularly vitamin D, are linked to more severe ADHD symptoms. In fact, studies have shown that low vitamin D levels can increase the risk of developing ADHD in childhood or adolescence by 40%.

Novomins Multivitamins for kids, with 13 essential nutrients, are designed to address these deficiencies, promoting general well-being and providing crucial nervous system support.

Sleep gummies

Sleep problems and deprivation are extremely common in children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD, with research suggesting that up to 72% of children with ADHD are affected.

A lack of sleep is often linked to impulsivity, a short attention span and poor academic performance, which also happen to be symptoms of ADHD. That’s why sleep is so crucial for children diagnosed with the condition. Lack of sleep can even worsen ADHD symptoms, creating one big vicious cycle.

Novomins Kids Night-Time Gummies are specially formulated with 11 sleep-enhancing ingredients like magnesium, vitamin B12, L-theanine and lavender extract.

Helping support your little one’s sleep cycle and reduce fatigue, they’re free from artificial colours and preservatives that can worsen ADHD symptoms and come in a playful bear shape that kids love.

Image of a bottle of Novomins Kids’ Night-Time Gummies with a review from a Novomins customer.


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain as a response to darkness and which helps us sleep. It regulates your day and night cycle and helps synchronise your circadian rhythm (your 24-hour internal clock).

Those with ADHD have a delay in melatonin onset, making it more difficult for their bodies to shut off and prepare for sleep.

Research shows that children who take melatonin supplements fall asleep up to 16 minutes earlier and experience improved sleep quality. Another studyof 74 children found that the natural hormone was up to 60.8% effective in improving sleep problems.

As a result, melatonin has officially been approved by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to treat insomnia in children and adolescents with ADHD. However, it’s important to note that melatonin is available via prescription only in the UK.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain health and cognitive development, contributing to improved memory, focus and overall mental performance, all of which are affected by ADHD.

DHA, a type of omega fatty acid, is essential for brain health. However, it’s been suggested that children and adults with ADHD are more likely to have lower DHA levels than those without the condition.

Novomins Kids Omega Gummies feature a balanced blend of plant-based Omega 3, 6 and 9 DHA and ALA fatty acids with no fishy aftertaste. They come in a delicious orange flavour that’s a big hit with the kids and are specially formulated to support your child’s brain health.


Zinc is a trace mineral essential for many bodily functions, including neurotransmitter function, despite only being needed in small amounts.

Early research has found that zinc may improve memory and learning, which could benefit kids with ADHD with lower zinc levels in their bodies. Studies that showed an improvement in children with ADHD after taking a 55 mg daily dose of zinc sulphate back this up, but additional research is still needed.

Vitamin D

Commonly referred to as the sunshine vitamin, higher vitamin D levels have been found to improve cognitive function, with supplementation preventing the worsening of ADHD symptoms in children.

Newer studies have shown that pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to have a child with ADHD. Likewise, children with ADHD have naturally lower levels of the vitamin compared to children without the condition.

Boost your child’s vitamin D intake with a three-month supply of strawberry-flavoured Novomins Kids Vitamin D Gummies that are each packed with 400 IU of Vitamin D. With no artificial colours or preservatives, these gummies are NON-GMO and are suitable for children aged three and over.


Inositol is a type of sugar made in the body and found in foods like fresh fruits, grains and nuts.

When used in concentrated doses, it’s been found to help various mood and mental health disorders, like anxiety, PTSD and ADHD, thanks to its calming effect on the brain. However, research is minimal, and while inositol can offer potential support, it shouldn’t be relied upon to improve ADHD symptoms.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is one of the world's oldest living tree species and is native to China. Its fan-shaped leaves have been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years, and it is best known for memory support and brain health.

Now, research has found that ginkgo biloba can also help reduce ADHD symptoms and improve focus. One study concluded that 240 mg of ginkgo biloba is an effective daily dose to improve ADHD symptoms and that the herbal supplement might be helpful as an alternative treatment for children with ADHD.

Studies also show that ginkgo biloba has a very low rate of adverse effects. It's well tolerated and can be taken as a tea, capsule, tablet or herbal tincture. However, further research is needed to establish its efficacy and safety as a treatment.


A range of studies has now shown that there’s a link between low levels of iron and ADHD in children, with the severity of ADHD being significantly higher in children with low iron levels than those without.

Another study found that supplementing with iron improved ADHD symptoms, although this doesn’t mean that low iron causes ADHD or that an iron supplement should be used as an ADHD treatment alone.

Keep in mind that too much iron can be toxic and even fatal, so you should always consult with your local GP before adding any iron supplements to your child’s diet.

Novomins Kids Iron Gummies are perfect for growing kids, supporting their growth and development. They are packed with essential iron and vitamin C to support cognitive development and are a delicious and fuss-free way to fuel your child’s brain power.

Other solutions for managing ADHD in kids

Solution Key features
  • Can play a role in managing ADHD symptoms naturally
  • Limit sugar and syrups to avoid disrupting the brain
  • Opt for brain-friendly foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, complex carbohydrates and protein
  • A balanced diet may improve concentration and sleep quality
Behavioural Strategies
  • Evidence supports positive outcomes, especially in extreme cases
  • Parent training focuses on coping mechanisms
  • Heavy emphasis on consistency, positive reinforcement, routines and healthy habits
  • Helps develop self-regulation skills and manage impulsive behaviours
Healthy Routines
  • Provides structure and predictability
  • Supports better sleep by regulating circadian rhythms
  • Establish stable morning and homework routines to help academic performance
  • Break tasks into manageable chunks with regular breaks
  • Incorporate exercise to release energy in a positive way
Relationships & Social Skills
  • Encourage small, manageable playdates to build social skills
  • Emphasise sharing and taking turns at home
  • Praise and reward improvements in social interactions


While diet alone cannot cure ADHD, it’s thought that it can play a crucial role in managing ADHD symptoms, providing many of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in supplements naturally.

Sugar and syrups should be limited or avoided altogether, as they can disrupt the brain.

Sugar causes a release of dopamine, which is similar to stimulant drugs, causing children to become temporarily fidgety and hyperactive — even if they don’t have ADHD. Limiting sugar also helps improve sleep, further helping alleviate ADHD symptoms.

Instead, opt for brain-friendly foods, such as nuts and omega-3 fatty acids found in tuna, salmon and other fish. Include complex carbohydrates that break down and release energy slowly, like whole-grain bread, potatoes with skin on, vegetables and fruits like kiwis, oranges and apples.

A balanced diet rich in protein is recommended, and it is thought to improve concentration. Good sources of protein include cheese, eggs, meat and beans.

Behavioural strategies

While it won’t necessarily be easy and may take a lot of work, implementing behavioural strategies is another way to manage ADHD symptoms naturally. In fact, evidence shows that behavioural strategies often result in good outcomes in kids with extreme ADHD symptoms.

Also known as parent training, this collaborative process involves working with a therapist who specialises in ADHD. Together, you will learn coping mechanisms that include:

  • Staying consistent
  • Being positive and focusing on giving praise and rewards when rules are followed instead of criticising bad behaviour
  • Developing routines around house chores and schoolwork
  • Establishing healthy habits

Healthy routines

Routines provide structure and predictability, which can be incredibly beneficial to children with ADHD, who can quickly become overwhelmed. Routines can help them stay on track and remember what they need to do throughout the day.

From a scientific point of view, establishing a consistent routine will also support better sleep by helping to regulate the brain’s circadian rhythm. You can do this by:

  • Creating a stable morning routine to set a positive tone for the day
  • Breaking tasks into manageable chunks and introducing regular breaks to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed
  • Incorporating regular exercise to help them release their energy in a positive way
  • Establishing a homework routine to help them stay on track academically
  • Implementing a calm and effective sleep routine

Relationships and social skills

Children with ADHD may have a hard time making friends and playing with others and are usually socially behind their peers. Due to their impulsivity and bursts of energy, they are more likely to play too rough and invade personal spaces and are less likely to share.

To help your child build stronger relationships and improve their social skills, schedule play dates with only one or two friends to avoid overwhelming them and make connections stronger.

At home, emphasise the importance of sharing and taking turns so that they repeat these social skills with their friends and don’t forget to praise and reward them when they show improvement.

What is the best natural ADHD medicine for kids, according to science?

More research is needed on natural ADHD remedies for kids. However, existing studies show promising options and results. While science has yet to pinpoint one single 'best' ADHD supplement for children, research does show that up to 72% of children with the condition have a magnesium deficiency. Other deficiencies include vitamin D, zinc, iron and omega-3.

One study found that co-supplementing with 50,000 IU of vitamin D per week and 6 mg of magnesium daily for eight weeks could improve mental health and behavioural function in ADHD children.

Another study that evaluated iron deficiencies in 53 children suggests that low iron can contribute to ADHD, and those with the condition may benefit from an iron supplement.

Therefore, while ADHD itself isn't caused by lower levels of these vitamins and minerals, science has shown that supplementing specific areas of deficiency can potentially improve many ADHD symptoms.

How to choose the best supplement to help manage your child’s ADHD

Each child with ADHD will have different symptoms, which is why it's so important to use tailored treatment. One child might be impulsive and hyperactive, while another might have trouble concentrating. Therefore, treatment should consider every individual factor.

Before buying a month's worth of ADHD supplements for kids, it's always a good idea to test if your child is deficient in any specific mineral or supplement. Blood tests can identify a wide range of vitamin deficiencies. Once you have the results, you can pick the best supplement for your child.

However, while ADHD supplements for kids can be helpful, they won't necessarily have the immediate effect that ADHD medication does, and treatment will often involve a combination of the two.

Lastly, it's always important to talk to your doctor before starting to supplement your child, especially if they are on ADHD medication, to avoid any potentially harmful interaction.

Your local GP or paediatrician will be able to advise you on which supplements will be most beneficial for your child and can help you understand any potential benefits or risks of adding them to your child's diet.

Manage ADHD symptoms with Novomins supplements for kids

If you're looking for an alternative to prescription medications to treat your child's ADHD symptoms, research suggests that supplementation with certain vitamins and minerals could help.

One reason is that children with ADHD have been found to have lower levels of magnesium, zinc, iron, omega-3 and vitamin D, which are all important for healthy cognitive function.

However, it's thought that ADHD supplements for kids are only effective in those who are already deficient, and there is still limited research on the effectiveness of supplements in children with ADHD who already get enough of these nutrients through their diet.

Make sure that your child meets their daily vitamin intake with Novomins’ range of Kids Health Gummies. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, our gummies are formulated by doctors using the highest-quality ingredients.

Even better, they're available in delicious colours and fun shapes, making supplementation not only tasty but convenient and fun for children and adults alike.


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Dr Peter McQuillan
BDS, MFDS P1, Dip Ortho Founder & Chief Formulator
With over 15 years of experience in the healthcare sector, Dr McQuillan is a highly esteemed professional in the healthcare space.


Akil Memishi
BSc Hons Pharmacology, ICH GCP Founder & Chief Clinical Researcher
Akil Memishi, co-founder of Novomins, combines his extensive clinical research experience with a passion for developing scientifically-backed nutritional products.
Review Date:
28 May 2024
Next Review:
26 April 2026
Published On:
28 May 2024
Last Updated:
28 May 2024