Coenzyme Q10 Fertility Benefits: A Natural Way to Enhance Reproductive Health

Coenzyme Q10 Fertility Benefits: A Natural Way to Enhance Reproductive Health

If you are experiencing problems conceiving, then you're not alone: it's more common than you might think. Pregnancy doesn’t come easily for everyone, with around 1 in 7 couples in the UK affected by infertility, with rates continuing to rise.

If you're trying to conceive or are simply looking to boost your fertility, upping your vitamin intake and taking supplements could help. One supplement in particular that's continued to gain attention for its impact on fertility is coenzyme Q10.

Also known as CoQ10, this vital compound plays a crucial role in cellular energy production and is a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from oxidative damage. It's also been shown to improve egg and sperm quality, boosting fertility in both men and women.

Read on as we explore what CoQ10 fertility supplements are, their benefits and why they might be the missing piece of the puzzle in your journey to conception.

What is coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant naturally produced by the body and can also be found in foods like meat, fish and nuts. It’s found in almost every cell inside the mitochondria (the powerhouse of a cell) and is used for growth and maintenance.

Beyond its role in energy production, coenzyme Q10 can also enhance fertility. Thanks to its antioxidative properties, CoQ10 can reduce inflammation and protect the reproductive system from harmful free radicals.

Additionally, coenzyme Q10’s role in facilitating energy production can ensure the reproductive system functions optimally, as the reproductive process requires a significant amount of energy.

As CoQ10 levels naturally decline with age once you hit your twenties, it’s often recommended by reproductive health specialists to those who are experiencing fertility problems to improve reproductive performance.

What does CoQ10 do for fertility?

An infographic advising specifics about Novomins CO-Q10 Gummies

Improving egg quality and female fertility

Studies show that coenzyme Q10 aids female fertility by improving egg quality. One study, in particular, shows improved egg health and higher fertility rates in women who received CoQ10 supplements over 60 days.

Likewise, egg quality can significantly impact a woman's ability to conceive. CoQ10 fertility supplements can help, with research suggesting that coenzyme Q10 supplements can also improve oocyte (developing egg) deficits, which can lead to infertility.

In addition, coenzyme Q10 can improve egg quality by protecting eggs from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, which has been identified as an underlying cause of female infertility.

Customers taking Novomins CoQ10 fertility supplements have seen positive results.

Review from happy customer who used Novomins Co-Q10 Gummies

Enhancing sperm quality and male fertility

Studies show that treatment with coenzyme Q10 can boost sperm count and motility and that the amount of CoQ10 levels in seminal fluid directly correlates to sperm concentration.

Another study backs these findings and also found that treatment with coenzyme Q10 for fertility over three months significantly increased sperm concentration and motility. The improvements in semen began after 3-6 months of treatment but disappeared when supplementation was discontinued. This further highlights the antioxidants' effects on sperm quality.

Like female fertility, CoQ10 can enhance and improve male fertility by protecting cells against free radicals that can damage sperm and hinder motility.

Supporting overall reproductive health

CoQ10 improves overall reproductive health by maintaining the energy levels needed for reproduction. Both eggs and sperm require a lot of energy as they develop and the cells that create them divide.

Sperm also needs energy to swim towards and fertilise the egg for successful conception. CoQ10 plays a supporting role by supplying this necessary energy. It also protects both the egg and sperm from oxidative damage that can accumulate with age.

Scientific evidence supporting CoQ10 for fertility

Using coenzyme Q10 as a supplement to boost fertility has generated considerable scientific interest in recent years — and the results are promising. Various studies prove potential coenzyme Q10 fertility benefits, especially when it comes to improving egg and sperm health.

One controlled trial of pretreatment with coenzyme Q10 in low-prognosis young women with decreased ovarian reserve resulted in improved ovarian response and embryo quality. The women in the CoQ10 group had an increased number of retrieved oocytes, more high-quality embryos and a higher fertilisation rate of 67.5%.

Another study into CoQ10 fertility supplementation in patients undergoing IVF observed that oral supplementation of coenzyme Q10 may improve follicular fluid metabolism and, therefore, egg quality, especially in women over 35.

Studies also delved into CoQ10’s effects on male fertility. A 2019 study examined the impact of two coenzyme q10 doses for fertility on semen parameters in men with low sperm count.

The results were encouraging, showing an improvement in sperm concentration and motility, as well as overall antioxidant capacity, in those who took a 400 mg coenzyme q10 dose for fertility per day compared to those who took 200 mg a day.

The research shows that coenzyme Q10 can be a powerful ally in boosting fertility. That’s why choosing a well-researched, high-quality supplement is essential.

Novomins CoQ10 fertility supplements are high-strength and specially formulated through thorough research and development by our in-house team of doctors, scientists and nutritionists.

These supplements are made with premium ingredients and undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure the highest quality and purity. They are NSF and GMP certified, offering a reliable and effective option for anyone looking to improve their fertility.

Hand holding a bottle of Novomins Fertility Gummies

CoQ10 fertility dosage and usage advice

When it comes to how much CoQ10 to take for fertility, there's no specific established dosage. However, 100-600 mg per day is generally recommended. 200 mg-400 mg has been found to increase sperm concentration, while 300mg shows an improvement in ovarian response and egg quality.

You can take Coenzyme Q10 in the morning or evening. Supplementation can also start at any time, but it's important to note that eggs take 3 to 4 months to mature before ovulation. Therefore, it can take around three months to feel the effects.

CoQ10 fertility dosage requirements can also vary based on individual needs and specific health conditions. Women and men with specific fertility issues may need higher doses than those who need general fertility support. If you have any doubts, consult a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate coenzyme Q10 dose for fertility.

Adding CoQ10 to your routine is simple. You can either incorporate foods rich in CoQ10 into your diet — like oily fish, meats and whole grains — or include it via a daily supplement in a capsule, soft gel or easy-to-take gummy format.

Novomins CoQ10 high-strength gummies come in a delicious orange flavour. They are convenient for even the busiest daily routines and are rated a high 4.7/5 stars. Chew one gummy daily for optimal results or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Potential side effects of CoQ10 for fertility

CoQ10 supplements are generally considered safe with limited side effects when used as directed. However, like any supplement, some people may experience mild side effects, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Other potential side effects may also include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia and irritability.

Likewise, CoQ10 can cause itchy skin or a rash and isn't recommended without a doctor's approval if you are pregnant or breastfeeding due to a lack of research. Anyone with low blood pressure should also use CoQ10 cautiously, as coenzyme Q10 may lower systolic blood pressure.

One effective way to minimise the risk of side effects is to follow the recommended dosage. Starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it can help your body adapt, reducing any further risk of side effects.

If you do experience any adverse effects while taking CoQ10, consider lowering the dose. This can help alleviate mild side effects like gastrointestinal issues while your body adapts to the antioxidants. Taking your CoQ10 with meals that contain fat can also help improve absorption and minimise stomach upsets.

If your side effects are persistent, worsening or severe, discontinue using CoQ10 immediately and consult your GP for medical advice.

Alternatives to coenzyme Q10 for fertility

Aside from CoQ10, there are other supplements and lifestyle changes you can implement to boost fertility and improve your chances of getting pregnant.


Acetyl-L-carnitine is made in the brain, liver and kidneys and helps the body turn fat into energy.

Similar to CoQ10, Acetyl-L-carnitine is believed to positively impact the ageing process in the reproductive system thanks to its antioxidant properties that are beneficial for both men and women.

In men, Acetyl-L-carnitine improves sperm motility, promotes sperm maturation and protects sperm against oxidative damage. In women, Acetyl-L-carnitine can help support mitochondrial function, which declines with age and is related to lower pregnancy rates.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats made of the ALA, DHA and EPA fat groups. Famous for their many health benefits, which include improved brain and heart health, research has also found that omega-3 may enhance fertility.

One 2019 study found that women who took omega-3 supplements were almost two times more likely to get pregnant compared to those who didn’t. These healthy fats can also help regulate hormones and increase uterine blood flow. They are also crucial to sperm health, quality and performance.

That’s because sperm cell membranes contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which help with flexibility and movement and build the covering over the sperm’s head.

Vitamin D

Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D keeps bones, teeth and muscles healthy by promoting calcium absorption and regulating the amount of phosphate in the body.

Now, studies have found women with normal vitamin D levels are four times more likely to conceive through IVF compared to those with low levels. Likewise, vitamin D blood levels of 30 ng/mL or higher are associated with higher pregnancy rates and low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of infertility.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle choices can significantly impact fertility. Nutrition, weight, exercise, stress, and the age at which you choose to start a family can all be contributing factors.

To protect and boost fertility, limit or avoid alcohol altogether when trying to conceive, as well as smoking, which is linked with lower fertility.

You should also try to limit your exposure to as many toxins as possible. These include dry-cleaning solvents and pesticides, which could harm your fertility. Lowering and managing stress levels, which can be detrimental to general health, is also recommended.

Instead, make healthy lifestyle choices like staying a healthy weight to maintain a regular cycle and ovulation and eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

Boost your fertility with Novomins coenzyme Q10 supplements

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant naturally produced in the body but can also be found in food or taken as a convenient supplement.

Used to generate energy in cells, research shows coenzyme Q10 fertility benefits in women such as improving egg health, balancing out egg deficits and improving sperm movement and concentration in men. It also protects the reproductive system from harmful free radicals.

While CoQ10 for fertility is generally considered safe, potential side effects can include gastrointestinal issues as well as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia and irritability.

For optimal results and safety, you should always follow the recommended dosage and take your coenzyme Q10 supplement with meals that contain fat for better absorption.

If you’re looking to supercharge your fertility to give you the best possible chance of conceiving, adding CoQ10 into your daily routine could make all the difference. By choosing a high-quality supplement, like Novomins CoQ10 Gummies, you can have peace of mind that your reproductive health is getting the support it needs.

Take control of your reproductive health and check out Novomins range of CoQ10 fertility supplements, including Novomins Fertility Gummies and Novomins Men’s Multivitamin Gummies.

A delicious and convenient way to add this powerful antioxidant to your daily routine, Novomins gummies are formulated with high-quality ingredients, taste delicious and are free from any artificial nasties.


Does coenzyme Q10 improve fertility?

Research shows coenzyme Q10 can play an important role in boosting fertility in both men and women by protecting the reproductive system from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Studies find CoQ10 fertility benefits such as improved egg health and heightened fertilisation rates in women who received it for 60+ days. Coenzyme Q10 also helps improve sperm movement and concentration in infertile men.

Can CoQ10 make you ovulate sooner?

CoQ10 can improve reproductive health, resulting in a regular cycle and ovulation. Research shows coenzyme Q10 can also increase the number of mature follicles and improve ovulation rate.

How much does CoQ10 help egg quality?

Scientific research into CoQ10 shows it can enhance egg quality by protecting them from oxidative stress and improving oocyte (developing egg) deficits, which can lead to infertility.




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Dr Peter McQuillan
BDS, MFDS P1, Dip Ortho Founder & Chief Formulator
With over 15 years of experience in the healthcare sector, Dr McQuillan is a highly esteemed professional in the healthcare space.


Akil Memishi
BSc Hons Pharmacology, ICH GCP Founder & Chief Clinical Researcher
Akil Memishi, co-founder of Novomins, combines his extensive clinical research experience with a passion for developing scientifically-backed nutritional products.
Review Date:
09 July 2024
Next Review:
26 April 2026
Published On:
09 July 2024
Last Updated:
09 July 2024