A woman, full of energy, exercising

Energy Boosters: A Comprehensive Guide To Vitamins For Tiredness & Fatigue

Can’t stop yawning? Feeling tired and struggling to get up in the morning is often part of everyday life, especially in today’s hectic world. 

A new normal, a 2022 YouGov poll revealed that one in eight UK adults are constantly exhausted, with another quarter being ‘knackered most of the time’. 

That, added to the fact that being tired is now one of the most frequent complaints in primary care, highlights how chronic fatigue is quickly turning into the new epidemic of our time. 

But more than simply being a disruptive part of our daily lives, constant tiredness can indicate that something else may be going on. 

The good news? Supplementing with targeted vitamins for fatigue can help. But what are the best vitamins for tiredness? And do men need different vitamins for fatigue than women? Read on to find out. 

Why use vitamins for tiredness and fatigue?

Many assume that the symptoms of tiredness and fatigue are purely physical, resulting in sleepiness, chronic tiredness and a general lack of energy. But did you know that fatigue symptoms can also be emotional and psychological? 

With fatigue, you experience persistent exhaustion that won't go away, even if you sleep. Other symptoms to watch out for include feeling irritable and moody, headaches, dizziness, sore or aching muscles, impaired decision-making and slow reflexes, which could be especially hazardous depending on the situation. 

Medical conditions like glandular fever, PCOS, depression, fibromyalgia, thyroid disorders, diabetes, endometriosis and more can all be culprits for unrelenting exhaustion. 

There's even a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome that mimics flu symptoms. It affects women up to four times more than men, can happen suddenly and lasts for several years with no known cause.

Chronic fatigue can be debilitating and should be checked out by a doctor if it's starting to affect your daily life. Constant tiredness can usually be attributed to lifestyle-related causes, like a lack of vitamins, poor diet, lack of exercise or poor work-life balance. 

And, thanks to today's fast-paced, high-stress daily environments, more people are suffering from adrenal fatigue and chronic exhaustion than ever. 

So, what can you do about it? As low energy can be a warning sign that your body is missing essential vitamins and minerals, supplements are often key to keeping vitamin deficiencies and fatigue symptoms at bay.

What vitamins help with tiredness?

Our bodies are complex and require a wide range of nutrients to keep energy levels high so we can function at our best. Constant tiredness and low energy can be one of the first symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. 

Luckily, there are plenty of vitamins that are good for tiredness and fatigue. Some of the best vitamins for tiredness include:

  • Iron: Contributes to healthy red blood cells which transport oxygen around the body. Low iron levels can cause a lack of concentration and energy alongside irritability
  • Zinc: Essential for energy metabolism
  • Magnesium: Needed for muscle function, it converts glucose into energy and is required to produce and stabilise ATP molecules, which provide energy to muscles
  • B vitamins: Allow the body to burn fuel from fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  • Vitamin D: Boosts energy levels by helping the part of the cell that generates energy
  • Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system and maintains and supports energy production

Vitamins for energy in men

When it comes to vitamins for energy boosting, men and women need different things. Men need more zinc, a vitamin which is good for fatigue and provides the energy required for metabolism. 

Other vitamins good for tiredness, like vitamin B12, D and magnesium, can be taken by both men and women. Recommended doses will differ as they are based on body size, with men generally needing a higher intake than women. 

Vitamins for energy in women

Women typically need more iron, a vital nutrient for energy production, than men. That's because women lose blood during menstruation and can also become deficient during pregnancy and childbirth. Experiencing extreme fatigue before a period is also common, with your body needing to replenish any of the vitamins and minerals lost. 

Women also need more calcium than men because they have lower bone density, which is protected by the hormone oestrogen and is lost in older women after menopause. Calcium also plays a crucial role as a vitamin for energy in women by regulating and boosting metabolism

Folic acid (B9) is another essential vitamin that’s good for tiredness in women. It’s used to make healthy red blood cells and helps the body convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used for energy.

8 best vitamins for tiredness



Food sources


Vitamin B12

Reduces tiredness and fatigue 

Produces red blood cells

Energy production

Heart health

Immune system support

Gummies, capsules, soft gels, powders, tablets and liquid 

Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products like cheese

Take 2 Novomins Vitamin B12 Gummies a day

Vitamin D

Boosts the immune system

Good for fatigue

Reduces inflammation

Bolsters bone and muscle health 

Softgels, gummies, tablets, capsules, powder and liquid

Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, egg yolk, mushrooms and cod liver oil

Take 2 Novomins Vitamin D3 Gummies a day


Haemoglobin production

Reduced fatigue

Prevents anaemia

Immune support 

Gummies, tablets, capsules and liquid

Red meat, dark chocolate, liver, eggs, dried fruit, nuts, beans and spinach

Take 2 Novomins Iron Gummies a day 


Improves sleep

Helps turn food into energy

May improve performance during exercise

Speeds up muscle recovery

Nervous system support

Essential for healthy brain function

Softgels, tablets, gummies, tablets, capsules, powders and liquid

Pumpkin and chia seeds, beans, nuts, seafood, brown rice, spinach and dark chocolate 

Take 2 Novomins Magnesium Gummies a day


Quick and convenient way to get your main vitamins in one

Softgels, tablets, gummies, tablets, capsules, powders and liquid

Eggs, kale, seaweed, nuts, fish, peppers, cod liver oil, liver and more.

Take 2 Novomins Multivitamin Gummies a day


Boosts metabolic function

Immune system support

Speeds up wound healing

Softgels, tablets, gummies, tablets, capsules and liquid

Meat, fish, oysters, chickpeas, pomegranate, cashews, eggs and oats

Take 2 Novomins Zinc, Magnesium & B6 Gummies a day

Vitamin C

Immune system support

Normal collagen formation

Reduced tiredness and fatigue

Antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals

Gummies, tablets, capsules and liquid

Peppers, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes and cruciferous vegetables

Take 2 Novomins Vitamin C Sugar-Free Gummies daily

Energy gummies 

A mix of energy-boosting and fatigue-reducing vitamins in one convenient formula

Gummies, tablets, capsules and liquid

Oats, bananas, eggs, chicken, oysters, apples, strawberries, dark leafy greens and beetroot

Take 2 Novomins Energy Gummies daily

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body can't produce but is found in animal products like meat, fish, dairy and eggs. 

Even though vitamin B12 doesn't directly provide energy, it’s a great vitamin for feeling tired because one of its many roles is to help the body convert food into glucose, boosting energy. 

It also contributes to the production and formation of red blood cells. Low levels of B12 prevents red blood cells from forming correctly, which can lead to anaemia — another condition that can cause fatigue. 

Vitamin D

Often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D helps mitochondria, the part of the cell that generates energy to power the body. This makes it one of the best vitamins for feeling tired.

Vitamin D also boosts your mood and bolsters the immune system. This means you'll generally feel healthier and more energetic, as a poor immune system that frequently picks up bacteria and viruses can cause the body to feel weak and tired. 

Vitamin D is often recommended for those who have little exposure to sunlight. If you're currently experiencing chronic fatigue, it might be a good idea to get a blood test, as it's a common sign of vitamin D deficiency. 


Irritability and a lack of focus, energy and fatigue are some of the major symptoms of an iron deficiency. 

Iron is responsible for making haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen around the body, from the lungs to the muscles to the brain. When you don't have enough iron, it can lead to a condition called anaemia, which causes weakness and tiredness.


Magnesium is needed to convert the glucose in food into energy and produce ATP molecules, which provide energy to muscles. It's often recommended to athletes to speed up muscle recovery and regulate blood sugar and energy levels. 

By regulating receptors in the nervous system, magnesium is well-known for helping and improving sleep, acting as a natural sleep aid and affecting the sleep hormone melatonin. Therefore, a magnesium deficiency can result in poor-quality sleep and even insomnia, thereby causing chronic tiredness and fatigue. 


Multivitamins can be a quick and convenient way to boost your body's vitamin consumption and help it get the main nutrients it needs, including vitamins for feeling tired. 

Multivitamins are particularly helpful if you don't know which specific vitamin you lack, filling nutritional gaps and boosting overall health, including energy levels to fight fatigue. 

Most effective when taken consistently, it's important to note that multivitamins can also contain vitamins you don't need. 


Zinc is a trace mineral needed by enzymes and contributes to energy production within the body's cells, helping metabolise fat, proteins and carbohydrates. It also supports other bodily functions, helping heal wounds and supporting the immune system in keeping the body healthy and energised.

Vitamin C

Famous for immune system support, vitamin C is good for fatigue, contributing to the proper functioning of energy metabolism

Also known as ascorbic acid, it helps protect cells from damage, supports the brain and plays a major part in various bodily functions, such as transporting and absorbing iron, which also boosts energy. 

Vitamin C is especially recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, smokers and those with weaker immune systems. 

Energy gummies

The body needs a delicate balance of vitamins to keep tiredness at bay. Energy gummies are specially formulated with vitamins, nutrients and minerals proven to boost and maintain energy levels. They often contain a mix of B vitamins, iron, vitamin C, and more. 

Novomins Energy Gummies are packed with a powerful blend of 18 vitamins and botanicals to help you stay alert and focused.

A review from a satisfied customer in relation to Novomins Energy Gummies

Alternatives to vitamins for tiredness

Get better quality sleep

One of the simplest ways to reduce tiredness is to get a better night's sleep. Steps you can take to improve your sleep quality include taking magnesium supplements, ditching your phone and other electronics at least an hour before bed, and sticking to a sleep schedule.

Reduce or cut out caffeine

When we're tired and sluggish, we often turn to caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea to get us through the day. 

But consuming this stimulant, especially in the evening, is one of the worst things you can do when it comes to chronic fatigue. Caffeine later in the day will interfere with healthy sleep and create a detrimental dependency. 

Get more exercise

As counterintuitive as it sounds, even gentle exercise like stretching or going for a walk can improve energy levels and health and induce better sleep at night. 

On those days when you would love nothing more than to curl up on the sofa, try a low-intensity workout and see how your energy levels start to slowly but surely rise.

When to see a doctor for fatigue

Have you been experiencing constant tiredness for over four weeks? Have you had no luck improving your symptoms despite upping your vitamin intake and taking steps to improve your health? Then, it might be time to see your GP to rule out any underlying health conditions. 

Treatment will depend on the cause, but your doctor will likely order some blood tests to check for deficiencies, anaemia or hyperthyroidism. If tests are inconclusive, you might receive advice on changing your lifestyle or a referral to talking therapies, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

If your fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, a fever, feeling faint or unintentional weight loss, seek immediate medical attention.

Image of Novomins Energy Gummies

Wave goodbye to tiredness and fatigue and boost your energy with Novomins 

In a world where every second counts, more and more people are suffering from chronic tiredness and fatigue. While this can be due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and underlying medical causes, one of the most common causes of fatigue is vitamin deficiency. 

Some of the best vitamins for tiredness and fatigue include vitamins D, B12, C, magnesium, zinc and iron

Regain control and unleash your energy with Novomins' wide range of delicious energy gummies. Specially formulated by doctors, scientists and nutritionists for life's fast pace, our gummies are artificial-free, non-GMO and perfect for anyone needing that extra boost to get through the day. 


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  5. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/fatigue
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  19. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-HealthProfessional/
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  21. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/irondeficiency-anemia
  22. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/iron-deficiency-anaemia/
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  24. https://www.who.int/health-topics/anaemia#tab=tab_1
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  29. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/zinc/
  30. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8231141/
  31. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793244/
  32. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7019700/
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  35. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-vitamin-c/art-20363932
  36. https://111.wales.nhs.uk/encyclopaedia/t/article/tirednessandfatigue
  37. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/tiredness-and-fatigue/



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