Women holding pink balloon whilst holding stomach in physical discomfort because of bloating

Waking Up Bloated: Causes, Treatment & More

Ahhh good old bloating — when your stomach feels full, tight and swollen and zipping up your jeans feels just about impossible. We’ve all been there, especially in the evening after a big meal. We even expect it sometimes. 

In fact, according to one study, 16%-31% of people experience bloating, with this number rising to 66%-90% in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

But what about waking up bloated? Well, you’re not alone there, either, with morning bloating being one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. But what exactly causes waking up feeling bloated? Is waking up bloated every morning a cause for concern? And what are some effective ways of treating it?

While you could be experiencing this uncomfortable condition for many reasons, waking up already bloated is most commonly attributed to digestive issues that can be improved with diet and lifestyle changes, including delicious Novomins gummies

If you’re wondering, ‘Why am I waking up bloated every day?’, read on to find out more about waking up bloated causes, symptoms and solutions.

Waking up bloated causes: why have you woken up bloated?

Dietary causes

Food habits are one of the biggest factors that affect gut health and bloating. Common dietary reasons why you might be waking up bloated every morning include:

  • Consuming fizzy drinks that release carbon dioxide gas
  • Eating too much fibre
  • Eating too fast
  • Not chewing properly
  • Eating large meals before bedtime 
  • Eating too many fatty foods
  • Consuming too much sugar or artificial sweeteners

So, when should you have your last meal before going to sleep? While there’s no hard and fast rule, as this depends entirely on individual bedtime hours and patterns, you should generally stop eating around three hours before going to sleep.

Alcohol is another massive culprit, irritating and inflaming the gut, raising stomach acid levels and dehydrating the body. That’s why staying hydrated and drinking between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is crucial.

Likewise, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, beans, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are high in certain sugars and fibre. This makes them hard for the digestive system to break down, causing bloating, gas and sometimes even pain in those with IBS

Sleep quality

You might be surprised to discover that a lack of sleep, or poor quality sleep, can also contribute to waking up bloated every morning. Not getting enough of it increases stress, affecting the gut and leading to a hormone imbalance, making us crave unhealthy, sugary foods

Too much sugar leads to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gut, destroying gut health and causing bloating as well as other digestive problems like stomach pain and diarrhoea. 

Digestive health

Those with poor gut health or inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, GERD or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are prone to chronic inflammation in the GI tract. This can lead to long-term damage and could be the reason why you’re waking up bloated every morning.

Stomach bugs and infections like Giardiasis can also temporarily result in excessive bloating due to nasty bacteria. Additionally, those suffering from intolerances or Celiac disease can experience morning bloating if they eat gluten, lactose and other foods that can cause reactions in sensitive stomachs.


Changes in female hormones like oestrogen and progesterone can cause the body to retain more salt and water, leading to swelling and bloating. 

Hormone levels will change throughout a woman's life, from PMS to menopause, meaning that women are highly likely to experience unwanted morning bloat at various stages in their lives. 

Hormonal changes and a lack of progesterone in those with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) also lead to water retention, which may be the reason why you wake up bloated every day.


Despite being known as the stress hormone, cortisol is actually crucial for the entire body, regulating our stress response and helping control metabolism

However, when cortisol levels get too high, it can lead to inflammation of the digestive tract and throw the balance off between good and bad bacteria, leading to waking up bloated every morning. 

Stress can also affect intestine muscles, stopping them from filtering out harmful bacteria and causing constipation, diarrhoea and bloating.                                            


Known sometimes as delineated gastric emptying, gastroparesis is a medical condition in which food movement from the stomach to the intestine slows down or stops altogether despite no blockage. This can lead to waking up bloated and nauseous.

This causes food to stay in the stomach for longer than usual, causing bloating, which is incredibly common in gastroparesis, as well as other uncomfortable symptoms like stomach pain, nausea, and even vomiting. 

Is bloating always unhealthy?

As long as it goes away, bloating isn't usually a serious problem. 18% of the global population experience bloating at least once per week. It's usually most common in women and younger age groups and generally happens after eating. 

However, bloating is also a typical symptom of food intolerances or allergies. It could be a sign that something more serious is taking place in the body, especially if you're experiencing other symptoms alongside it, like fever or vomiting.

Make an appointment with your GP to rule out any other waking up bloated causes if you experience any of the following:

  • Feeling bloated every day
  • Feeling bloated for three weeks or more
  • Are bloated more than twelve times a month
  • Have changed your diet but are still experiencing symptoms

What should you do if you’re waking up bloated?

If you’ve been to the doctor and they are confident that your morning bloating isn’t the cause of an underlying medical problem, congratulations! But what now? 

Well, the good news is there are some quick and effective changes you can implement at home to help reduce your discomfort and prevent you from waking up with a bloated stomach.

We’ll get into the specific ins and outs below, but here are some initial diet and lifestyle options to try if you’re wondering why you wake up bloated and gassy every morning:

  • Try gentle exercise to help physically move gas
  • Manage stress with techniques like meditation and breathing exercises
  • Improve the amount of good bacteria in your gut by eating foods that are naturally high in antibiotics, like kefir, or taking a delicious probiotic gummy
Lady eating a burger with a bottle of ACV gummies on her tray.

What vitamins are good treatments for waking up bloated?

Key features 


ACV Gummies

Bloating and digestive support.

Naturally contains acetic acid, a natural probiotic that supports gut health and digestive issues like bloating and IBS.

Take 2 gummies daily.


Bio-Bac Gummies 

Advanced probiotic formula with 11 clinically-researched strains.

50 billion CFU probiotics + a prebiotic.

Low-sugar technology.

Take 2 gummies daily.


Bio-Balance Gummies 

Three clinically studied Lactobacillus probiotic strains known for reducing bloating.

4 billion CFU of friendly bacteria.

Cranberry extract for enhanced urinary tract health.

Intimate flora support. 

Take 2 gummies daily.


ACV Gummies

Apple cider vinegar has long been thought to help with weight loss and digestive issues like bloating and IBS. 

Naturally acidic, it can help raise stomach acid levels in those with low stomach acidity, which can prevent waking up with a bloated stomach and gas. 

Apple cider vinegar also contains acetic acid — the by-product of sugar from fermented apples that can kill some microbes and offer probiotic effects.

Apple cider vinegar is, as the name implies, a vinegar, meaning it’s sour to drink. That’s why Novomins ACV Gummies are a convenient alternative, offering a sweet apple taste. 

High-strength and tasty, with 4.7 out of 5 stars, our customers love them and notice a big improvement in digestive health and reduced bloating.

Don’t believe us? Check the reviews out for yourself or take a look at our guide that discusses the benefits of ACV for more.

Bio-Bac Gummies

Poor digestive health has long been associated with various underlying issues. That’s why a balanced microbiome is essential, benefiting not only digestive health and bloating but also wellbeing, sleep and even your mood. 

Restore balance in the gut quickly and conveniently with Novomins Bio-Bac gummies — your stomach’s new best friend. 

This advanced probiotic formula with a blend of 11 clinically-researched strains and 50 billion CFU probiotics alongside a prebiotic and low sugar technology will help to reduce morning bloat and support general gut health. Convenient for even the busiest of lifestyles, chew 2 a day for optimal results. 

Bio-Balance Gummies

Did you know that women are twice as likely to suffer from bloating compared to men? This is due to hormones and hormonal disorders like PCOS or metabolic, lifestyle and dietary differences. Women also have less stomach acid, with their stomach emptying much slower.

But that doesn't mean women have to resign themselves to a lifetime of bloating, either. Novomins Women's Bio-Balance Gummies provide targeted support for women's bodies and deliver digestive system support via three clinically studied Lactobacillus probiotic strains, which are linked to reduced bloating and gas production in people with bowel disorders and digestive pain. 

Plus, our Women's Bio-Balance Gummies are packed with 4 billion CFU of friendly bacteria alongside intimate flora support and cranberry extract to promote a healthy urinary tract and have been rated a whopping 4.8 stars out of 5 by customers, like Jade, who said that:

“I had been doing a lot of research on probiotics and how a healthy gut can change your PH balance down there. I also am that person that only goes to the toilet every 3 days and since taking these I’ve been going daily which has meant I’m less bloated and have less stomach cramps!”

An image of a bottle of Bio-Bac Gummies with an accompanying review from the Sunday Express

What are the best female bloated stomach remedies?

To relieve waking up with a bloated stomach fast, try doing some yoga, going for a gentle walk or giving yourself an abdominal massage to get the bowels moving more regularly and release any excess gas and stool.

Research shows that taking essential oil supplements like curcumin and fennel can help with IBS symptoms, which often include bloating and flatulence. Taking a warm soak in the bath is another way to relax and alleviate stress-related bloating.

Other ways to manage waking up already bloated

Lifestyle changes

Want to banish the bloat naturally? Then get moving! Even gentle exercise like walking, pilates, yoga or doing simple stretches can help release trapped gas and get stubborn stools moving. 

Studies have found that specific yoga poses like child’s pose, happy baby pose and half-knee to chest pose (also known as the wind-relieving pose) are great for relieving waking up with a bloated stomach and gas. 

Other helpful lifestyle changes include eating slower and chewing your food properly. Why? Because digestion actually doesn’t begin in your stomach — it starts in your mouth

Chewing your food properly into smaller, more digestible pieces means it’ll pass through the intestines more easily. Plus, you’ll avoid swallowing excess air that can cause or increase bloating. 

Managing stress levels is another way to help beat waking up bloated in the morning. While no one expects you to reduce your stress levels to zero forever (is that even possible?), by practising calming techniques like meditation and breathing exercises or simply unwinding with a good book in the bath at the end of the day, you’ll reduce the inflammation in your body that can trigger bloating. 

Dietary changes

Food can be incredibly healing, and changing and improving your diet is probably one of the most effective ways to regain control and improve your health, including reducing bloating. 

Bloating is often the result of too much gas, constipation or other digestive issues, and food can be the number one culprit. Avoid fizzy drinks and processed and sugary foods, opting for gut-friendly alternatives like bananas, probiotic-rich yoghurt, avocados, berries and whole grains instead.

If you have IBS and are experiencing a particularly painful flare-up, try the low FODMAP diet, which avoids foods that the digestive system can’t easily break down. 


Butylscopolamine is an antispasmodic used to treat abdominal pain and cramps. More commonly known as Buscopan, it can also improve symptoms of IBS, including bloating, by helping the digestive system relax.

Other Medications

Unless there are underlying medical issues and your GP refers you to a specialist for further tests, treatment for bloating is often not necessary. However, over-the-counter gas-relief tablets like Simeticone and peppermint capsules can help reduce bloating in some people. 

Peppermint oil is also an antispasmodic that can calm and soothe the gut. It can also help those with IBS by relaxing the muscles of the bowel wall. Antacids, activated charcoal and lactase, an enzyme that helps the body digest lactose, can all prevent or help treat bloating. 

An image detailing a customer survey of Bio Balance gummies.

Beat waking up bloated in the morning with Novomins 

Waking up bloated every morning isn't a great way to start your day. But it's more common than you might think, especially among women and younger age groups. 

Waking up feeling bloated is commonly attributed to diet and food habits. While most of us will experience it at some point, if you're experiencing morning bloating every day or have been feeling bloated for more than three weeks, it's a good idea to get checked out by your GP to rule out any more serious medical causes.

Luckily, once you know what's causing it, there are things you can do to improve waking up bloated. This, includes managing stress, eating slower, making changes to your diet and taking supplements to improve and reduce bloating. 

While a lot of it will be trial and error, once you've found what works for you, waking up with a tight, swollen belly should be a thing of the past.

Beat the bloat with Novomins' range of delicious gummies that support and enhance gut health. All of our gummies are made from the highest-quality ingredients, specially formulated by our team of doctors, nutritionists and scientists, and are backed by scientific research. 

Our gummies are also all non-GMO and are no-artificial-anything. What does that mean? That means only the very best for your gut.

Click here to browse the full Novomins gut health range.


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